Looking for what's on display near you?

If you're not too far away, we'd love for you to pop in for a visit and see our range of display products ranging from greenhouses and sheds to ornaments and water features.

Our Show Site is based at our physical garden centre in Sutton Coldfield, which also features an Aquatics Superstore and our award-winning coffee shop 'The Garden Room'. The show site is very much an 'in town' garden centre and even though it covers nearly 2 acres display space is limited, so we can't display everything that we sell, but we do try to display some of our most popular products for you to come and view first-hand. Take a look at a sample of the products which we have on display at our Sutton Coldfield Show Site below.

Our Display Site address is 211 Chester Road, Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham, West Midlands, B73 5BD. Please do not travel long distances without phoning us first, on 0121 355 7701 to ensure that we still have the product which you are interested in viewing on display. We try and keep the list below up to date but inevitably the display model may have been sold very recently. Alternatively, there are products on display that may not be pictured below. Please drive safely and we look forward to seeing you.

152 Products In This Range