We're an independently family run business and proud to offer a personal service to our customers. We believe this is why we have such a great review rating, as both on-site collected product reviews and independent reviews on the most popular review platforms. Most companies would shy away from putting customer feedback on display but we trust in our staff, our products and our ethos - ensuring that we work very hard to maximise customer satisfaction when buying from us.
Beware of web-retailers who promise everything. We believe you are not just buying a product but also a service. Our experts, who are the same people whether you buy online or in store, have genuine experience of the products they sell. If we don't have the answer to your question we will find out and communicate it to you.
Product Reviews

With over 12,000 products for sale on GardenSite, we know that we have a lot of variety for customers to choose from, and sometimes it can be a little overwhelming knowing which product is best for you. However, we've been collecting customer reviews on the products we sell since 1999, so we have over 20 years of past customer experience right at your fingertips to help guide you on the right product for you and your garden.
On many of our product pages, you'll see a "Customer Reviews" section, which includes an average star rating and the review comments left by previous, real-life customers and gardeners.
These reviews can be a great indicator to help decide if the product is right for you and offer extra peace of mind that many other customers are happily enjoying their new garden product, just the way it should be!
Independent Reviews

Customers have left thousands of reviews about us across many public, independent review platforms including Google, Reviews.co.uk, Trustpilot, Houzz and more!With an average score of 4.5 out of 5 on Google, 4 out of 5 on Reviews.co.uk and Trustpilot and an impressive 4.9 out of 5 on Houzz.
We monitor our independent reviews on a daily basis, and if something does, rarely but unfortunately go wrong which we haven't already been informed of, then we will respond as soon as we can in order to investigate further and endeavor to correct the problem with the customer.
Review systems are also a great way for us to keep an eye on what people think of our products and whether any changes need to be made to our website, or to the product itself.
Review Site Partnership

We've partnered with the independent review site, TrustPilot to collect reviews from our customers. All reviews, good and bad, can be viewed online immediately.
David Coton, Partner at GardenSite (pictured right) had the opportunity to meet with the TrustPilot team.