If your home makes use of an open fire, wood-fired boiler or heating system then you'll know how important it is to have the right fuel source on hand to keep your home running smoothly (and warm), especially over the colder months.
Winter is a popular time to stock up on logs, kindling and combustible fuel, but if you're new to owning a property with a traditional fireplace or boiler, then you may be wondering which type of fuel is best to buy, more value for money and makes the least amount of mess.
GardenSite sells a range of fuel including kiln dried logs, eco-briquette heat logs and heat pellets. Offering great value for money and heat-efficient ways heat your home or garden. Whether you require your fuel in nets, half pallets or full pallets, we have plenty of options available to get it delivered directly to your home ready to use.
To help our customers choose the right fuel for them, read on for our handy guide which explains the features, heat output and residue of each type - all the important things you should know before choosing the one for you!

Kiln Dried Ash & Oak Logs - Easy to light with high heat output due to the low 10-20% moisture content. Each log is cut to around 25cm in length and kiln-dried, offering a cleaner burn than unseasoned logs. Available loose in crates or in handy 25-litre netted bags.

Eco Briquette Heat Logs - Man-made from pressed wood shavings, tree bark, straw and other combustible materials, creating a very low moisture content briquette under 10% moisture. Offers high heat output with low residue. However, not as popular as kiln dried logs due to the way they look and may crumble slightly when handled, but this makes them easier to split up.

Imperial Heat Pellets - A very clean-burning fuel solution with a high heat output due to their dense, high-quality production. Imperial pellets are sustainably made using wood from responsible forests. Delivered on a pallet, split into handy 10kg bags.

Peat Briquette Logs - Unlike logs, peat doesn't burn with an attractive flame, but instead, you'll see a blue-orange ambient glow similar to that of coal. However, just because there's no flame doesn't mean that there won't be as much heat, as its slow burn time, premium quality and ample heat surely make up for it.
Heat Output
The heat output of your fuel can determine how much value you're getting and the cost per kw/h. Typically, you want to go for a low-cost fuel with a high heat output, thus getting the most for your money and running your home as economically as possible.
Kiln Dried Ash Logs - Up to 4.8 kw/h per kg
Kiln Dried Oak Logs - Up to 4.6 kw/h per kg
Eco Briquette Heat Logs - Up to 4.8 kw/h per kg
Imperial Heat Pellets - Up to 5.5 kw/h per kg
Peat Briquette Logs - Up to 3.6 kw/h per kg
(figures are approximated and sourced from our fuel supplier)
"kw/h per kg" refers to the amount kilowatts of heat/energy produced per hour from 1kg of fuel.
You can of course, buy unseasoned logs which haven't already been dried out, but the heat output can vary considerably depending on how, where and for how long the logs have been able to dry out.
Residue and Ash
Heat output may be the main factor when choosing your fuel, but don't forget about the residue. Burning almost any material will create a residue, normally in the form of ash, which if not kept under control can build up within your flue or chimney. Here at GardenSite, we source our fuel from reputable suppliers, offering fuels with the lowest residue possible for each type, giving you a cleaner burn output at home.
Kiln Dried Ash Logs - Low Residue
Kiln Dried Oak Logs - Low Residue
Eco Briquette Heat Logs - Low Residue
Imperial Heat Pellets - Lowest Residue
Peat Briquette Logs - Medium Residue
So there we have it, the features, heat output and residue details for the types of fuel available for your home at GardenSite.
If you're looking for more information and details, browse through our products and fuel quantities using the button below.