Halls Cotswold Burford Greenhouses

Halls Cotswold Burford greenhouse brand logo.

Halls Cotswold Burford greenhouses boast many innovative features for a modern day gardening enthusiasts, and they are available in three colour and three sizing options.

Starting off with the modest 6ft by 6ft, leading up to a more spacious 6ft by 10ft, these Burford greenhouses are suited to those who don’t have a lot of free space in their gardens but would still like to have a good amount of growing space in order to grow and nurture their favourite flowers, fruit and vegetables.

A few notable features of these aluminium greenhouses includes the 12 year manufacturer’s frame guarantee which is supplied as standard, so you can rest assured that your new purchase is made to last for well over ten years. Secondly, the Halls Cotswold Burford range benefits from a unique zero threshold™ greenhouse frame which allows unrestricted access.

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