Gary Asked:
What is the thread size of this product and the outlet sizes?
We Replied:
Dear Gary
Thank you for your question.
The outlet sizes are 20mm and 25mm. The thread is 25mm.
Should you wish to contact us further or to place an order, please call us on 0121 355 7701.
Thank you for using our online Q&A system
Kind regards
Andy Hobson
Thursday 10th, April, 2014
Denise Asked:
I am after a 20mm elbow that connects on top of the Lotus Green Genie 2000 then on to the hose which lets out water into the pond.
We Replied:
Dear Denise
Thank you for your question.
We are sorry to say we have no parts matching your description, please feel free to call us on 0121 355 7701.
Should you wish to contact us further or to place an order, please call us on 0121 355 7701. Thank you for using our online Q&A system.
Kind regards
Paul Ilsley
Thursday 14th, May, 2015
Peter Asked:
I have an Oasis green2clean 12000 filter box which is about 10 years old. The inlet fitting for the hose from the submerged pump is a clear plastic one and has stepped diameters to fit hoses with internal diameters of 1 inch (25mm), 1.25 inch (32mm) and 1.5 inch (38mm). The hose I am using has an internal diameter of 1 inch (25mm), so the other sizes are not necessary. The end that screws into the filter casing is 1 inch (25mm). Your Lotus GreenGenie 2000 / 3000 / 6000 / 12000 Hosetail & Washer looks very much like it would do, because it has 25mm screwed end and the other end fits a 25mm hose. Can you confirm that would fit please?
We Replied:
Dear Peter
Thank you for your question.
This item should fit providing all measurements are correct, to double check please send a photograph to [email protected] along with a copy of the question and we can look into the matter further.
Kind regards
Paul Ilsley
Thursday 30th, July, 2015
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