These are the garden tools I use practically every day in the garden and on the allotment.
You can't get anything simpler than a rectangular piece of metal on the end of a pole. It's a personal choice what type of handle you have on the spade, but a strong wooden shaft with a good-quality stainless steel blade is the best combination. Smaller, lighter versions are useful for borders and can be preferable if you have a large amount of work.
Essential for many digging and aerating the lawn, this might be the most useful garden tool especially on the allotment. Forks designed for borders are narrower and lighter but they can be preferable for general use as well. Make sure the tines are good quality forged steel and if you are growing potatoes, flat tines are preferred so that you don't spear the tubers.
Those with metal heads with about 12 teeth are the most versatile and easy to use, levelling the soil and creating a fine 'tilth' for sowing. Make sure the handle is long enough to be comfortable. A lawn rake is useful for clearing leaves in the autumn and removing dead material.
Trowel and Hand Fork
Very useful hand tools, the fork for digging small holes and planting out, while a trowel can be used for weeding, turning over the soil and planting.
Draw and Dutch Hoe
The former is good at cutting through weeds, marking out seed drills and earthing up potatoes. The latter is invaluable to slice the tops from weeds, always remember to walk backwards so that the weeds aren't trodden back into the soil. As with the rake, choose a handle that is long enough for you to reach the whole of the border or plot.
Used constantly for many garden cutting jobs, make sure they are kept good and sharp. One of the biggest mistakes is using them for jobs that they are not designed for, if you need to cut large branches employ a lopper.

Good loppers will cut through about 1½ ins, any thicker and it is wise to invest in a pruning saw. Telescopic handles are particularly useful for versatility and easy storage.
Long handled to edge the lawn, short handled for trimming hedges and unruly shrubs.
Pocket Knife
Ensure it is sharp and will fit into your pocket. Specialist budding knives have a notch on the blade.
Watering Can
The humble watering can is perhaps not accurately defined as a tool but its usefulness cannot be denied. Make sure it isn't too heavy when full and is well-balanced. Different types of roses will be used including a fine one for watering seeds. Long necks are also desirable for a good reach.
Outside of the top ten there are many other tools that have specialist uses such as a ridger or a dibber, but the 'must haves' can generally handle any situation and if they are a good quality, kept clean and sharp, will last for many years.