Earlier this month Power Sheds made a stand, in light of recent events in Ukraine, to no longer purchase Russia-sourced timber. GardenSite are proud to support Power Sheds with online sales and are happy to publicise their actions within our industry.
Sanctions against Russia and Russian oligarchs have certainly hit the headlines recently and in the business and retail environment fast food and high-end luxury goods have been at the forefront of that wave.
The home and garden sector hasn’t really been where the spotlight has shone but that is not going to stop timber shed brand; Power Sheds. Based in Bradford, they have recently released a statement speaking out against the atrocities of the current war in Ukraine. And I for one, certainly back them.
A view inside the Power Sheds manufacturing warehouse, located in Bradford, UK
In a statement released in early March, the Power Sheds team said:
"We believe we have a responsibility to take action and as a result, we have decided that Power Sheds Ltd will not purchase any further Russian timber".
Most of the timber that Power Sheds have traditionally sourced has been Scandinavian timber but until the statement release,
‘There has been a small amount of Russian timber mixed in’
But that is now going to stop.
The action that Power Sheds has taken will potentially cost them their bottom line profits, and it’s not going to halt the war, but that is not really the point.
If we all do a little it adds up to a lot and taking responsibility for your actions and the consequences they may have on others is what is important.
GardenSite is proud to support the team behind Power Sheds and the brand with online sales, and we are happy to publicise their actions within our industry on our blog, The Gardener.
And they have underlined their commitment, with Power Sheds releasing an official statement on this as per below:
"We are sure your attention, just like ours, has been focused on the events unfolding around the horrific and distressing Russian military invasion of Ukraine.
A large proportion of timber for the UK shed market is Russian. We have always predominantly purchased Scandinavian timber however, due to the challenges of timber availability over the last couple of years there has been a small amount of Russian timber mixed in with our large volumes of Scandinavian.
We believe we have a responsibility to take action and as a result, we have decided that Power sheds Ltd will not purchase any further Russian timber. We have in place a thorough timber sourcing due diligence process which assesses suppliers, assuring our customers that we are always mitigating against environmental, social, and legal risks to our supply chain.
Any timber purchased is in line with our internal timber responsibility and sustainability policy and this will now be updated with our new timber purchasing statement. The events of recent weeks have been difficult to watch, and our thoughts continue to be with everyone affected."
A fork lift truck moving timber and sheds within the Power Sheds warehouse.