Why Palram Use Polycarbonate Glazing For Their Greenhouses
Andy Taylor takes a look at the reasons why Palram prefer to use Polycarbonate as the glazing option for their greenhouses rather than traditional glass.
Andy Taylor takes a look at the reasons why Palram prefer to use Polycarbonate as the glazing option for their greenhouses rather than traditional glass.
Palram manufactures over a dozen greenhouse models with unique design features. However, they all have one thing in common; the use of polycarbonate glazing instead of the standard and more traditional greenhouse glass that's widely used by other major brands.
Polycarbonate, or 'PC' is a type of thermoplastic polymer that takes advantage of added carbonate in its chemical structure. This creates a strong and durable plastic-like material with qualities that fit in perfectly with the design of a greenhouse. This includes: resistance to variations in temperature, the ability to repel harmful UV light, and tough enough to withstand high impact.
Far less hazardous than glass, polycarbonate will not shatter, crack or break, which is great if there are children around. They can play near the greenhouse without fear of injury from sharp shards of glass.
There's no tricky locking parts involved when installing Palram's glazing as the panels simply slide into the assembled frame. This makes installation easy and quick, even if you have little or no experience of fitting glass.
Palram class their panels as being "virtually unbreakable" due to the polycarbonate's ability to withstand high impacts and high stress environments.
Harsh weather such as hail storms are no problem for polycarbonate, and Palram's aluminium and steel frames can reliably cope with heavy loads such as snow that might accumulate on the roof.
Two types of glazing are offered by Palram: Twin-Wall and Crystal Clear varieties. The type of glazing provided will depend on your chosen greenhouse model. Some models are purely Twin-Wall, others are made up of all Crystal Clear or make use of both. Twin-Wall polycarbonate is able to diffuse over 70% of the harsh sunlight to create a dispersed natural light while blocking up to 99% of harmful UV solar rays. The Crystal Clear alternative provides over 90% light transmission, yet still also blocks 99% of harmful rays. The Twin-Wall version is used more often on greenhouse roofs to ensure that the natural light is distributed throughout, creating a softer atmosphere, helping to keep the humidity and temperature at a safe level for your seedlings and plants.
So if you're looking for a greenhouse that is as safe as possible for when children or grandchildren are playing outside, but still has the major benefits and features that create the perfect growing environment, then look no further than the Palram range of greenhouses, available to order online with convenient home delivery.
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