Lavatera Olbia Rosea - Put Some Colour In!
Container grown shrubs can be planted throughout most of the year. The choice is huge and, for David Hall, the Lavatera is a particular favourite.
Container grown shrubs can be planted throughout most of the year. The choice is huge and, for David Hall, the Lavatera is a particular favourite.
When summer is here, the days are long, and contrary to some people's beliefs it is still a good time for planting container grown shrubs. And there are none better than Lavatera Olbia Rosea. It produces masses of flowers from July to September, or when finally cut down by the first severe frost. This plant was introduced into Britain from its native western Mediterranean homeland and is commonly known as the tree mallow.
It has a vigorous upright nature yet still retains a bushy habit, soft grey velvety foliage with lobed ovate leaves are the perfect complement to its giant four inch rose pink trumpet hibiscus shaped flowers. The blooms cover the upper branches from their base to the tips, their rose pink colour shimmering almost metallic in the warm evening sun.
All the flowers are produced from the Axiles of the upper leaves on new growth sitting atop the leaves, which will remain evergreen providing the winter is relatively mild.
Choose a sunny site that is well drained with light sandy soil, though they will tolerate some shade if necessary. Lavatera is an ideal plant for covering up bare fence boards or the side of a shed as it will quickly reach six feet in height by four foot wide. Before planting water well and then remove the container and plant with some humus and a handful of bone meal.
Keep the plant well watered in its first year as the flower buds begin to swell.
Lavatera is an ideal plant for shrubberies or convenient for gapping up an herbaceous border. It is also useful for covering up bare fence boards or the side of a shed as it will quickly reach six feet in height by four feet wide.
If required, prune it back in April to the young growths at the base of the old wood. This will produce vigorous new growth that will flower the same year.Lavatera is also a plant that is suitable for cutting, whilst in full bud for house decoration. It offers true value for money and is a great favourite of mine. I would say no garden should be without such a pink delight.
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