Charlie Dimmock Returns With Garden Rescue
Charlie Dimmock returned to our screens last week with Garden Rescue and Nathan James Dodd has been catching up on what has been happening in this latest garden transformation programme.

Charlie Dimmock returned to our screens last week with Garden Rescue and Nathan James Dodd has been catching up on what has been happening in this latest garden transformation programme.
Garden Rescue features Charlie Dimmock and two younger designers transforming unattractive plots into gardens where you really do want to spend some time.
It's been over ten years since she made her name on Ground Force and the Rich brothers are award winning landscapers with their own take on revitalising a garden.
Faced with Charlie's ideas of how their garden should look and an alternative design from the brothers, the garden owners have to decide on which one they prefer.
The gardens are in a variety of locations but all are in need of a makeover that takes the form of various themes including Mediterranean, Japanese and child friendly.
Budgets are quite generous to enable plenty of planting and hard landscaping but predictable difficulties and challenges occur along the way.
Some of these result from the brothers inability to follow instructions, others demand amendments to the plans as they progress. But everything works out in the end.
Charlie and the boys pass on tips as they go, for example whether to pay out for pre-seeded wild flower turf or prepare the ground and sow your own seed.
You are also taken to established gardens to see how their ideas will develop over several years, and experts are on hand to demonstrate gardening techniques.
Whether contemporary or more traditional, so far all the householders have been more than pleased with the results of their garden makeover.
Garden Rescue continues every night this week at 7.00pm on BBC2.
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