Fast Free Delivery within Mainland UK.
We offer free delivery within mainland UK on our Garantia products. Unfortunately, we are unable to deliver outside of mainland UK.
Delivery Period
Delivery will typically be made within 3 - 5 working days but may be extended during busy times of the year. For larger products, the carrier will call and book in a convenient delivery date. For other products, a delivery date will be provided by email from the carrier, which will include a link to allow tracking online.
Unloading Of Your Delivery
Due to the nature of this product, delivery will be made to the front of the property to the nearest location. Our drivers will not carry these items inside your home or back garden. When the item is delivered on a pallet, the pallet and packaging are non-returnable and the goods can only be manoeuvred on a flat and level surface (i.e. not a gravel driveway) by a pallet truck. On some occasions, the driver will split the package to assist with manoeuvring of the item. Once you are happy, we will ask you to check the condition of the goods and sign for the delivery.
Vehicles We Use
Larger items will be delivered on larger lorries which can get to most places it's typically, a 7.5 ton lorry which is about the size of a dustbin lorry, this will depend on the item that is being delivered and should you have any concerns with restricted access to your property we ask you to contact us prior to placing an order.